Such a defective component was installed in all Volkswagen T5 vehicles
Transporter, Caravelle, Multivan, and California with 2.0 TDI 180 HP engines coded CFC and CFCA
The issue affects 140,000 Vw T5 owners with these engines, produced from 2008 to 2015 (according to German Auto Bild)
Unfortunately, there are few vehicles in which it was factory-installed, as by the fall of 2015, the installation of CFC engines was discontinued, being replaced with new CXE units of a completely different design.
The failure begins with corrosion in the EGR cooler.
The aluminum from which the cooler's fins are made oxidizes and crumbles, and the fragments – through the exhaust gas recirculation system – enter the cylinders and start wreaking havoc there.
These aluminum particles act like sandpaper – damaging the cylinder walls as well as pistons and rings.
Then, getting into the oil, they are carried with it to all lubricated parts of the engine, causing their gradual seizure. It's exactly as if we had added sand to the engine oil.
The first symptom of failure is excessive oil consumption (even 1-1.5 l/1000 km).
Another symptom of engine seizure is a drop in oil pressure. An indicator light signaling lack of lubrication, which comes on at idle, is a sign that it's very close to complete engine seizure.
Lower oil pressure, and the aluminum particles mixed with it, cause the turbochargers to seize.
As a result of burning large amounts of oil, there is contamination of the diesel particulate filter and the catalytic converter.
According to Volkswagen's instructions, regardless of whether the engine shows the first symptoms or has already completely seized, it should be replaced, and at the same time, the DPF and catalytic converter, probes, sensors, and turbocharger assembly should be replaced.
The cost of this repair in an authorized service center exceeds 70,000 PLN.
To make sure, read the part number from the sticker on top of the cooler.
If your cooler has one of the above numbers, and you still do not have symptoms indicating engine seizure, replace it as soon as possible. You can still prevent engine damage.
In our service, such new original EGR coolers are always available on hand.
We can perform the replacement of this part while you wait (it takes about 4 hours) after scheduling an appointment.
If your engine already shows signs of damage (burns more than 0.3 liters of oil per thousand km), then replacing the EGR won't be enough. A complete engine overhaul or even replacement will be necessary.
Due to the problem described above, CFCA engines have become one of the most frequently regenerated Vw units in recent years. We repair several of them every week.
Of course, to carry out a complete engine overhaul, it needs to be removed from the car.
The next step is to verify the condition of the engine's equipment components, whose efficiency has a direct impact on the unit's operation. Components such as turbochargers (there are two in this engine) if seized (which unfortunately happens very often) must be replaced or repaired along with the engine.
We also check the condition of the injectors and fuel pump on special test benches.
Then we disassemble the engine into parts, wash all the elements, and assess their condition, sorting them into: those that can be reused, those that can be regenerated, and those that must be replaced.
We will help you decide whether it is worth overhauling your engine or better to replace it with a new one.
Once you decide on the engine regeneration - we get to work.
In all CFC engines, the wear of the cylinders in the engine block is so significant that at least boring for oversized pistons is necessary, and often new cylinder liners need to be inserted.
In every engine of this type, the wear of the crankshaft is so significant that it forces its grinding and the use of oversized bearings. Sometimes, it is additionally necessary to perform the alignment of the crankshaft bearing housing.
Of course, in every engine block, we plan the mating surface for the head gasket.
In the heads of these engines, after passing the leak test (if it is cracked, it needs to be replaced), we mill the valve seats and the mating surface for the head gasket, and replace the valve guides and seals. Sometimes it is also necessary to align the camshaft bearings.
As for parts, those that always need to be replaced include: pistons with rings and bearings (we use exclusively Kolbenschmidt), oil pump, head gasket, crankshaft and connecting rod bolts, and seals.
In every CFC, instead of the not very durable balancing shaft module and the poor oil pump, which often cause problems, we use a proven, reliable pump from CAA engines (Vw T5 140 HP).
The cost of such an overhaul (if the head is not cracked and the camshafts are not seized) is 15,900 PLN.
Of course, to this must be added: a new EGR, complete timing, turbo and DPF regeneration, engine removal and installation, equipment transfer, oil, fluids, gaskets, screws, etc.
The condition of the fuel injectors greatly influences how the engine will perform.
Faulty injectors, providing incorrect doses or improperly atomizing, can lead to serious engine damage in a very short time.
Authorized Volkswagen service centers do not have specialized test benches for testing injectors. Therefore, to avoid the risk of damaging a new engine due to the installation of a malfunctioning injector - CFCA engines are sold with new injectors.
We will test your injectors on a professional test bench, and if they turn out to be functional, you won't have to buy new ones. This means the total cost of the operation will be thousands of PLN cheaper.
Therefore, assessing the condition of your injectors is of great importance when making decisions about an engine overhaul or replacement. If your injectors turn out to be faulty, then an engine overhaul may no longer be cost-effective, as adding the cost of injectors, the total amount for the overhaul may approach or even exceed the price of a new engine, which is supplied complete with new injectors.
If your injectors prove to be functional - meaning they pass the tests successfully, the machine will generate new codes for them, and they can be reinstalled into the overhauled engine.
In our service center, we have a professionally equipped workshop for the regeneration of commonrail fuel system components. We test and regenerate injectors and fuel pumps.
As I mentioned earlier, due to the defect described above, in recent years our workshop has received an average of twenty-five Volkswagen T5s with damaged BiTDI engines: CFC or CFCA, each month.
Lately, the percentage of engines that are not economical or possible to overhaul has been increasing. Currently, in four out of ten cases, customers decide to replace the engine with a new one.
Since these engines are made-to-order at authorized Volkswagen service centers, and sometimes, due to stock shortages, delivery can take several weeks, we have them in stock.
We continuously sell CFCA engines (always having at least several units in stock).
This is a brand-new (not remanufactured) original Volkswagen product, part number 03L100092AX. The unit is sold with injectors and an EGR module (without faults).
At a Volkswagen Authorized Service Center, you would pay 7931 € for it.
According to Volkswagen's instructions, when replacing the engine, it is necessary to replace: the turbocharger assembly, the diesel particulate filter and the catalytic converter (in some T5s, the DPF and cat are a single unit), of course, the entire timing (belt, rollers, and water pump), lambda sensor, differential pressure sensor, all exhaust gas temperature sensors, and many gaskets, screws, nuts, washers, and pins.
This is an example from a customer who was quoted 18138 € for the replacement at an Authorized Service Center, but paid 9538 € with us.
Based on our knowledge and experience (having installed over 1000 such new CFC engines), we believe that the turbocharger, as well as the diesel particulate filter and catalytic converter, can be regenerated instead of replaced (saving from 20,916 PLN to 28,586 PLN). Some gaskets, screws, and nuts can be bought even 10 times cheaper than at an Authorized Service Center (of the same quality), in our opinion, some sensors do not need to be replaced (if they are functional) plus, our labor costs are lower than those at authorized workshops.
The manufacturer provides a 2-year warranty on the engine. Condition - installation according to the instructions.
If you buy an engine at an Authorized Service Center and do not install it according to the instructions, you lose the warranty.
This happens because the turbochargers are lubricated with the same oil as the engine, which contains aluminum particles from the faulty cooler. The turbochargers are particularly susceptible to damage due to the very high speeds their rotors must operate at.
According to VW's instructions, the entire double turbocharger assembly should be replaced along with the engine.
The cost of such a component is 12,569 PLN.
During the regeneration, we replace both complete cores with rotors, using high-quality components from the English company Melett, while keeping the old manifold and housings, i.e., the parts that have not worn out.
The entire turbocharger repair process is carried out in our professional regeneration workshop, which is part of our service, using professional tools and equipment.
The turbocharger, after our regeneration, will be no worse than a new one.
By choosing regeneration, you save 10,169 PLN.
The Diesel Particulate Filter (DPF) and the catalytic converter are other components that, according to Volkswagen's instructions, should be replaced along with a damaged engine. They, too, have become victims of the effects of a faulty EGR.
How is this possible? Why does this happen?
As is known, a symptom of engine seizure is excessive oil consumption. Engine oil, when burning on the cylinder walls, produces up to a thousand times more soot and particulate matter than diesel fuel, which is properly atomized by injectors. The DPF and catalytic converter clean the exhaust by capturing soot and particulate matter (that's their job). However, because there are many more pollutants than usual, the particulate filter and catalytic converter become clogged.
Volkswagen recommends replacing the DPF and catalytic converter. The cost for the front-wheel-drive version, where it is a single combined element, is 8,999 PLN, while for the 4Motion version, the DPF costs 8,309 PLN and the catalytic converter 8,569 PLN.
We perform the service using a professional machine from the Swiss company FFSolution.
By opting for regeneration, you save 8,347 PLN or even 16,017 PLN for the 4Motion version.